Desktop and Mobile

How to Manually Initialize or Deploy a Nuxeo Drive Instance

Updated: April 27, 2020

This page is about Nuxeo Drive 2 and still needs to be completed. For versions 1.x see the page Nuxeo Drive 1.x Admin Documentation.

Usually Nuxeo Drive is initialized when the user completes the Settings panel and successfully logs in. But for auto deployment you might want use the command line or MSI.

Command Line

You can bind a new engine on Nuxeo Drive by calling the ndrive executable with the following arguments. It is recommended to have your Drive not running while executing this command.

ndrive.exe bind-server [--password PASSWORD] [--local-folder LOCALFOLDER] USERNAME URL

More information about the parameters:

  • USERNAME: The username of the user who will be using Nuxeo Drive. Mandatory.
  • URL: The URL of the Nuxeo server. Mandatory.
  • PASSWORD: The password of the user who will be using Nuxeo Drive. If you don't specify the PASSWORD then it will be asked to the user when Nuxeo Drive is started.
  • LOCALFOLDER: The path to the Nuxeo Drive folder that will be created. Path must include the Nuxeo Drive folder. If LOCALFOLDER is not specified then the default location will be picked.


On Windows you can automatically call the bind-server command on install if you set up the MSI variables:

  • TARGETURL. The URL of the Nuxeo server. Mandatory.
  • TARGETUSERNAME: The username of the user who will be using Nuxeo Drive. Mandatory.
  • TARGETPASSWORD: The password of the user who will be using Nuxeo Drive. If you don't specify it then it will be asked to the user when Nuxeo Drive is started.
  • TARGETDRIVEFOLDER: The path to the Nuxeo Drive folder that will be created. Path must include the Nuxeo Drive folder. Mandatory.

To set up the MSI variables:

  1. In a command prompt, type the following command and replace the variable values with your own values.

    msiexec /i nuxeo-drive.msi TARGETURL=http://localhost:8080/nuxeo TARGETUSERNAME=username TARGETPASSWORD=password TARGETDRIVEFOLDER=\Path\to\Nuxeo\Drive\Folder

    Note: If the path to the Nuxeo Drive folder holds spaces, use quotes at the beginning and the end of the path. For instance: "C:\Users\John Doe\Documents\Nuxeo Drive". The Nuxeo Drive installer opens.

  2. Follow the installer steps.

  3. At the end of the installer, start Nuxeo Drive. The Settings window is displayed, with account settings prefilled with the variables values you filled in. If you haven't specified the password, you now need to fill it in to use Nuxeo Drive.

Other documentation about Nuxeo Drive

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