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How to Configure Nuxeo Drive Globally

Updated: April 27, 2020

Since 7.10-HF35, some settings used by Nuxeo Drive can be configured globally from the Nuxeo server.

They are set in a JSON configuration file located in the drive template of the nuxeo-drive package. They can be changed by updating the $NUXEO_SERVER/templates/drive/nxserver/config/nuxeo-drive-config.json file and restarting the server, after which they will be taken into account by the Nuxeo Drive clients shortly.

The configuration is available in the JSON format through a GET request to $NUXEO_URL/api/v1/drive/configuration.

Note that these settings can be overridden locally through the config.ini file.

Here is what the default nuxeo-drive-config.json file looks like:

  "delay": 30,
  "ignored_prefixes": [".", "icon\r", "thumbs.db", "desktop.ini", "~$"],
  "ignored_suffixes": [".bak", ".crdownload", ".lock", ".nxpart", ".part", ".partial", ".swp", ".tmp", "~", ".dwl", ".dwl2"],
  "ignored_files": ["^atmp\\d+$"],
  "log_level_file": "DEBUG",
  "timeout": 30,
  "handshake_timeout": 60,
  "beta_channel": false,
  "update_check_delay": 3600,
  "ui": "web"
  • delay: Period in seconds for polling the remote changes.
  • ignored_prefixes: List of file prefixes to be ignored by the synchronization process.
  • ignored_suffixes: List of file suffixes to be ignored by the synchronization process.
  • ignored_files: List of Python regular expressions matching the file names to be ignored by the synchronization process.
  • log_level_file: Logging level of the log file among ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE.
  • timeout: Timeout in seconds for the HTTP requests sent to the Nuxeo server.
  • handshake_timeout: Timeout in seconds for the handshaking with the Nuxeo server.
  • beta_channel: Boolean to allow the use of the update beta channel.
  • update_check_delay: Period in seconds for polling application updates.
  • ui: The Nuxeo UI used by default among web (Web UI) and jsf (JSF UI).

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