
Workflow Overview

Updated: April 27, 2020

This page and its subpages explain all the concepts and provide a documentation on how the workflow engine works.

The Nuxeo Platform embeds a powerful workflow engine technically called "Content Routing". This workflow engine provides usual features you would expect from a workflow engine and leverages the main modules of the platform: Repository, Automation service, layouts for all the user interaction and process implementation. You need to understand correctly those concepts before playing with the workflow engine. 

A workflow is conceptually defined using a graph. Workflow graphs are configured from Nuxeo Studio.

The workflow engine provides means to implement most of BPMN concepts: Fork, merge, decision, branching point, exclusive, inclusive, looping, human tasks, services tasks, multiple instances, events, data objects, subprocess, join. Note that those standard concepts are not all exposed as is on the graph editor, but can still be implemented leveraging what is provided.

The workflow engine provides high level features regarding task management such as filterable tasks lists, reminders, task reassignment, task delegation, task reminders.

Task and workflow REST endpoints are coming soon, stay tuned.

You can use this workflow engine for case management projects, for form digitization, complex documents validation, signature and publishing processes and more!

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