
How to Let Users Set Rights on Non Folderish Documents

Updated: April 27, 2020

TODO: need to update given examples as of 5.8 (at least)


User uses tabs to interact with document. One of this tab, is the "Access Rights" tab, uner the "Manage" tab. This tab appears, by default, only for folderish document.

The Access rights tab is defined in actions-contrib.xml in nuxeo-platform-webapp-core:

<action id="TAB_RIGHTS" link="/incl/tabs/document_rights.xhtml" order="50"
  label="action.view.rights" icon="/icons/file.gif">

and the definition of the filter is:

<filter id="rights">
  <rule grant="true">

If you want the user to be able to set rights on non folderish document, you need to overwrite the TAB_RIGTS action contribution to use a filter that doesn't filter on Folderish facet.

You need to create a contribution referenced in your plugin's MANIFEST.MF or you can add a file in nuxeo.ear/config folder.

An example contribution follow, you can copy it in a actions-config.xml file and put this file in nuxeo.ear/config to test:

<component name="com.myexample.actions.contrib">
  <!-- We want the original contribution to be read first so we can overwrite it-->

  <extension target="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.actions.ActionService"
    <!-- remove the TAB_RIGHTS tab -->
    <action id="TAB_RIGHTS" enabled="false" />
    <!-- Our new contribution, we are not using the same filter -->
    <action id="FOLDERISH_TAB_RIGHTS" link="/incl/tabs/document_rights.xhtml" order="50"
      label="action.view.rights" icon="/icons/file.gif">


  <extension target="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.actions.ActionService"

    <!-- Our new filter, not filtering on Folderish facet-->
    <filter id="non-folderish-rights">
      <rule grant="true">



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