
HOWTO: Override Existing Document Types

Updated: October 16, 2020

Any built-in document type can be overridden: you just have to use the good ID, inherit the good type and add some necessary schemas and facets. We provide a table that should give you all necessary information.

When inheriting from a document type, you inherit its schemas and facets. For instance, when inheriting from Document, you get the dublincore schema (that holds the title, description, modification date, ... metadata), as well as common (that holds the size of the doc) and uid (that holds version information and ID).

Deployment Mode

Be careful to select the Override deployment mode from the Advanced Configuration section on the Definition tab of your document type. Should you leave Merge, you would get both your customizations and the default behavior of the document type instead of only your own customizations.

Below are the document types provided by the default Nuxeo Platform, the Document Management and Digital Asset Management modules. Don't hesitate to give feedback if you encounter troubles.

Document type label Document type ID Inherits from Necessary schemas Necessary facets Additional comments
AudioAudioDocumentcommon, dublincore, uidAudio, Commentable, Publishable, Versionable 
DomainDomainFolderdomain SuperSpace  
File File Document file, files, common, dublincore Commentable, Downloadable, HasRelatedText,  Publishable, Versionable  
Folder Folder Document   Folderish  
NoteNoteDocumentcommon, dublincore, files, note, uid Commentable, HasRelatedText, Publishable, Versionable  
OrderedFolder OrderedFolder Folder   Orderable  
PicturePictureDocumentcommon, dublincore, uidCommentable, HasRelatedText, Picture, Publishable, Versionable 
PostPostDocumentcommon, dublincore, postCommentable, HiddenInNavigation 
Section Section Folder file PublishSpace, SuperSpace The SuperSpace facet is required for children documents to get default notifications configured in the Alerts tab.
SectionRootSectionRootFolder MasterPublishSpace, SuperSpace 
TemplateRootTemplateRootFolder SuperSpace 
ThreadThreadDocumentcommon, dublincore, threadCommentable 
VideoVideoDocumentcommon, dublincore, uid, filesCommentable, Publishable, Versionable, Video, HasStoryboard, HasVideoPreview 
Workspace Workspace Folder webcontainer, publishing, file, files SuperSpace The SuperSpace facet is required for children documents to get default notifications configured in the 'Alerts' tab.
WorkspaceRoot WorkspaceRoot Folder   SuperSpace  

The Alert tab is currently only available on JSF UI. It is planned to be integrated in Nuxeo Web UI.

You can also browse the contributions to the Type extension for more document types.

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