Developer Documentation Center

Getting Started

Updated: September 16, 2020

This section provides step-by-step instructions to help you understand how to implement Nuxeo Platform features, through a practical use case. You will use:

  • Nuxeo REST API
  • Nuxeo Javascript Client
  • Nuxeo Studio
  • nuxeocli

1 - Discover

This tutorial is composed of different steps to guides you on a tour of the Nuxeo Platform and its features through its APIs.

Let's go 

2 - Configure

This tutorial introduces you to a few important aspects of Nuxeo Studio so that you can take advantage of this great product as quickly as possible.

Let's go 

3 - Develop

This tutorial takes a contract's start date and add three months to it, but you can think of integrating any custom logic in your Java class.

Let's go 

Learning plan ordering
These pages follow a specific order, make sure to respect it as some exercises depend on previous configuration.

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