
Actions (Links, Buttons, Icons, Tabs and More)

Updated: October 1, 2020

Actions usually stand for commands that can be triggered via user interface interaction (buttons, links, etc...). Usually, it will describe a link and other information that may be used to manage its display (the link label and an icon for instance). By extension, actions are also used for conditional rendering and sorting of page fragments (tabs, summary widgets,...).

This chapter explains how to define actions and display them in pages.

  • Actions Overview — In this chapter, an action will stand for any kind of command that can be triggered via user interface interaction. In other words, it will describe a link and other information that may be used to manage its display (the link label, an icon, security information for instance).
  • Standard Action Types — A series of action types is available for the most basic uses cases.
  • Custom Action Types — Since 5.8, it is easy to add your own action type to handle its configuration and display, rather than defining an action of type "template" and specifying the template each time it needs to be used.
  • Filters and Access Controls — Filters configuration allows to control activation of an action, to control its visibility depending on the user rights, for instance, or selected documents, etc.
  • Actions Display — Actions are grouped in categories to be able to display them in the same area of a page. Widgets can be used to handle rendering of these actions.
  • Incremental Layouts and Actions — Actions are leveraged by the layout framework to include widgets inside layouts dynamically, benefiting from sorting and filtering features of actions within layouts.
  • Action How-To Index


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