Installation and Administration

Configuration Examples

Updated: April 27, 2020

This page shows some configuration use cases.

The use of the nuxeo.conf file is highlighted in the steps below. However, you can also change parameters from the Admin > System Information > Setup tab, in the Advanced Setup.

Changing the Default Port (8080)

Nuxeo applications run on the 8080 port by default. As it may be used by another application, you may need to change it.

  1. Stop your server.
  2. Edit your nuxeo.conf file.
  3. Add the parameters below if they are not already defined in the nuxeo.conf file. Change values if needed.

    • nuxeo.server.http.port=8180
    • nuxeo.server.ajp.port=8109
    • nuxeo.server.tomcat_admin.port=8105
  4. Save and start your server.


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